School Fire Risk Assessment

What does a school fire risk assessment do?

Fire risk assessment shapes your fire plan. It identifies potential hazards and suggests ways to minimise the danger. The initial goal of a fire plan is to prevent fires from occurring. When they do happen, the plan helps to prevent spreading and aids firefighting. It also ensures that people can be evacuated safely. Some fire plans also include steps to ensure the removal of valuable property, if it is safe to do so.

What will your fire risk assessment do?

Your school fire risk assessment will produce an initial plan to ensure your premises and people are compliant, having appropriate training. It will also lay out your ongoing responsibilities. There are various checks that need to be carried out to ensure that everything remains at the required standard.

What will we do?

A member of the team from Bison Assist will identify and evaluate fire hazards and make recommendations for you to carry out in order to reduce the risk. The consultant may recommend the removal of hazards where possible or recommend steps that you can take to minimise the risk. This could include installing or maintaining equipment, clearing fire routes or protecting various areas.

To be compliant with legislation, you need to be able to show the steps you have taken to minimise risk. We can advise on how to record your actions, create plans for ad-hoc risks, inform staff, pupils and visitors about risk prevention, and train people when necessary.

Contact us

At Bison Assist, we offer a UK-wide service. When you book a school fire risk assessment with us, one of our friendly, professional representatives will visit your establishment as soon as possible. They provide you with all the information you need to minimise any risks and ensure the safety of your school.

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