Our Values

Bison Assist Values

At Bison Assist we put a great deal of thought into how we continually provide the highest quality services at the best possible price for all our clients. Above all, we are committed to creating safe and secure workplaces that comply with the most up-to-date legislation, so you can rest assured that you are meeting your legal responsibilities.

We are also passionate about raising awareness through straightforward eLearning courses that give employees the confidence to appropriately manage workplace risks and help them foster safe, inclusive, and accessible workplaces. This is reflected in the attitude of our own highly trained, dedicated team.

To set the foundation for our approach to risk assessment services, we have four key values.

Customer Focus

We believe in cultivating lasting relationships with our customers. This is why we go above and beyond to tailor our services to each of our clients’ needs, helping them to meet their unique responsibilities as efficiently as possible. Our team are friendly and personable, and we know that you are busy – so we deliver our assessments with minimal disturbance to your daily routines wherever we can. We help you handle your health and safety responsibilities, making it as easy as possible for you to stay on top of everything and focus on your core business.


We are driven to becoming a market leader in risk assessment services. This is why we always innovate our processes, adapting creatively to industry changes, and continuously monitoring our performance. We want to know that customers recognise the value in our work, so we hold ourselves to the highest standards and are committed to excellence in all we do.


We put the ethical principles of safety, inclusivity, and accessibility at the heart of our services. We see risk assessments as far more than a box ticking exercise, but as a process of learning how to make our workplaces as safe as possible for everyone. This means building meaningful, trusting relationships and working towards the collective goal of safeguarding people’s wellbeing.


We think that true safety and success is achieved collaboratively. We have a responsibility to look after everyone in our herd and we believe that this is how safe, inclusive, and accessible workplaces are cultivated. We take this very seriously and aim to offer value and expertise to our customers whenever and however they require it so we can become a trusted part of their herd.

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Our History

Starting life as a legionella testing specialist based in Leeds, we have grown to provide a comprehensive package of risk assessment services and eLearning training courses. Our vision is to become a market leader in UK risk assessments – find out more about where we’ve come from and where we aim to go.

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Meet the Team

Our team of friendly and dedicated staff help us to deliver exceptional risk assessment services across the UK. Our team will always provide straightforward and honest advice to help you cultivate a safe environment in your workplace

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