Health and Safety courses with Bison Assist

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Health and Safety courses with Bison Assist

While some people may roll their eyes at the rules and regulations in the workplace, we often lose sight of the importance of health and safety in protecting millions of workers around the UK. Whatever size business you have, health and safety should always be on your priority list and we at Bison Assist are here to help you with our customised and highly-efficient health and safety courses.

The importance of Legionnaires’ disease testing

Legionellosis – also known as Legionnaires’ disease – is an infection caused by various bacteria of the genus Legionella. The disease is transmitted through droplets of water that contains these organisms at high levels. Legionella bacteria grow naturally and can be found in various environmental settings, therefore it is difficult to eradicate them completely or stop them from entering our water systems. Although the disease itself is relatively rare, these bacteria can cause other serious complications such as Pontiac fever and pneumonia. A small concentration of these bacteria is not harmful, but in an encouraging environment, they can reach an ideal temperature and multiply, creating a thick biofilm that sticks to the surface of pipes that contain still water or accommodate slow-moving water.

Health and safety e-learning courses with Bison Assist

At Bison Assist, we believe that Healthy and Safety e-learning courses are a fast and effective way to train your staff and ensure compliance with existing regulations, not to mention that e-courses are cost-effective and easy to implement.

Health and safety is a major concern in the workplace, and ensuring your staff are well-trained and up to speed means you can run your business with peace of mind that you’re up-to-date with current legislation.